Brady's homemade gay porn video starts out with him on the couch fully clothed. He's staring at the camera and you won't get over how damn cute this twink is!
He's got those porn star ears... you know the ones? They're small and they kinda stick out a little bit? All the porn stars have them! Anyway, this drop-dead gorgeous twink has got it going on and he digs showing off in his homemade gay porn video.
The sweater comes off and he reveals his smooth twink chest that's adorned with a tribal tattoo on his pec. Both of his nipples are pierced but nobody is allowed to touch them - his nipples are so sensitive that he'll come right away if you play with them at all! Shame, cuz that's where I'd start!
He unzips his jeans and reaches in to reveal his soft dick in his underwear. The jeans were getting in the way so he dumps them and sits back down. Brady's wearing light grey briefs and you can see the perfect outline of his soft but substantial dick. You can tell good things are going to cum from that one!
He pulls down his briefs and gently touches his cock and you can see it swell instantly at the base. This is a fucking huge cock, baby! The briefs come off and he grabs some lube to really go to town.
Brady works his cock slowly and surely - he knows how to please himself and he's in no hurry to finish. Before you know it that twink cock is rock hard and fucking huge. Did I say, FUCKING HUGE? Yes, I did. It takes both of his hands end to end to jack it properly and he can't close his hand around the base. You're talking 9.5 x 7 inches of uncut twink cock and it's a hot looking cock too! Wow.
He grabs the camera for some closeups and ends up putting the camera on the ground and standing over it jacking off and grinning a shit face grin as he looks down at you. Soon he's back on the couch and working that monster cock again. He's staring right in the lens and really showinig off. This dude is into showing off and he knows he's got the goods so the cocky routine works perfectly for him! When he can't take any more showing off he lays back with his cock fully engorged and ready to pop.
A couple of strokes later he dumps a load right on his belly with the camera right up close to his dick head. You can see every drop of cum shoot out of his uncut twink dick head! Hottest cum shot we've seen in a while!
He grabs the camera and turns it around so you can see the look of satisfaction on his face and he's done. Holy crap this is a hot video! It's real gay sex action that's homemade too!
All of our homemade gay sex action videos are presented with NO DRM and they'll play on your IPOD so you can enjoy them anytime and anywhere! YouLoveJack rocks!